Any given individual will make over 700,000 choices over the course of their lifetime. What am I going to eat and how much? Will I exercise today or not? Is this the person I want to be with? Should I take time to meditate or am I too busy? Should I wear this shirt with those pants? And from the moment we’re born we start making choices. As babies, the choices we make are much less conscious: I’m choosing to cry because I’m hungry, tired, need a diaper changed, etc. But have you ever noticed that babies, and even children, naturally use their communicative abilities to seek help for their wellness? They quite literally cry out for help when they need something that will make them more whole.
Then we grow up
And as adolescent boys and girls we continue to try to find what makes us feel whole. Maybe we seek the the approval of our parents, we overeat or don’t eat enough, we indulge in a summer romance, or strive to be the star on a sports team. And before we know it, a series of choices has led us into adulthood and most of us don’t seem to know what makes us authentically happy. It’s as if we were born whole but lost ourselves somewhere along the way.
There are SO many things that can help a person feel whole, and as we go through this crazy journey of life we get to find and use things that help us feel more complete as well as let go of things that don’t. Isn’t that so beautiful? On any regular day at any moment in time we can make a choice that will bring us closer to our truest and best selves.
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What wholeness looks like for me

Some of the things that make me whole are deep, core pieces of me, like my relationship with God, my marriage to my husband, and my role as mother to my three children. Other things that bring me wholeness are making and eating healthy foods, weight training and yoga at the gym, teaching dance fitness, creative writing, and home organization. Even still I find wholeness in simple and silly things like taking a bubble bath, making my kids laugh, reading a good book, and painting my nails a pretty color.
We live in a noisy world that seems to be full of chatter about who we should or shouldn’t be. The voices say “buy this house, wear that outfit, lose more weight, be more successful, look more beautiful, and on and on.” And if we’re not careful those voices can become louder than the one inside of us. But at the end of the day YOU are the only one who can choose what works best for you.
You may only have one life, but you have a million moments to make it a beautiful one. So slooooow down. Indulge in your favorite drink. Take the trip. Call your friend. Go to that yoga class. Because in the end, the joy you experience will be the sum of each moment you chose wholeness.
Be well,
Trin 🙂
More coming soon…
If you haven’t guessed yet I’m pretty passionate about life and living a good one. Check back soon for more thoughts and tips about exercise, food, health (emotional, physical, and spiritual), overall wellness, and the finer things of life.