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Know your Grind

When placing your order, we ask you to specify if you would like your coffee Whole Bean (unground) so that you can grind it fresh or if you would like us to grind it for you so it’s ready for you to enjoy. Different brewing methods require different coarseness which is why we ask you to let us know how you will be brewing your coffee. Here is a list of the options we offer and which methods require each grind.

It may be helpful to review how grind size affects the flavor of brewed coffee. We have a great article here where you can learn some of the coffee basics.

Espresso Grind

If you will be using an espresso machine or a percolator, this is the option you are going to want. Espresso machines require a fine grind in order to produce a great shot of coffee. This is due to the relationship between heat, physical agitation and time required to brew your coffee. An espresso machine very quickly pushes hot water through your coffee. In order to get an adequate extraction, there needs to be coffee surface area exposed to the hot water. Another reason espresso machines crank out a coffee so quickly is because they use pressure to push the water through the finely ground coffee. The combination of heat, pressure, and large surface contact with the coffee results in the intense flavor of espresso. Most people’s experience with espresso is mostly with a dark and bitter product, however, espresso does not need to be brewed with a dark roasted bean. Remember, espresso intensifies the flavor of coffee, so it would be worthwhile to try a more unique, medium roasted coffee in your espresso shot.

Drip/Pour-Over Grind:

For drip, think “normal” coffee maker. This is the same size of grind that you will see in the commercial coffees you scoop into your “normal” coffee maker. It is also the same grind in most k-cup products. Pour-over refers to any method in which you pour hot water over the grounds. Typically, this is done over a glass container with a bowl on bottom and cone on top to support the coffee filter. I usually only see this method used by dudes wearing a suit-vest with button up tucked into jeans and a fancy mustache. That’s how you know it must be good. If either of these are your brew style, choose this grind.

French Press Grind

This grind is named very appropriately. If you use a french press to brew your coffee, choose this method. The coffee you receive will be ground coarse. The larger grind allows for the french press to take its time extracting all the good bits from your coffee while preventing over-extraction. A fine grind left in a french press for the same time at the same temperature will yield an over-extracted coffee that tastes flat and bitter, we don’t want that for you.

Whole Bean

This is definitely the best option. Coffee beans retain freshness longest when they are fully intact. Taking the step to grinding your own coffee can be extremely rewarding for many reasons. Not only do you get the best flavor from the beans, you can prepare them anyway you want. Instead of a bag for french press and a bag for your single-serve machine, you just grind the beans to match your brewing method of choice. In the meantime, we are more than happy to grind your coffee for you!

About the author

Cody Rowley is the Founder and Co-Owner of Whole Body Coffee and Whole Body Fitness.

His passion for coffee started with the small things like moving the morning brew out of a drip machine and into a french press, then into the more involved things like roasting coffee in a popcorn maker. It wasn't long after his first roast that he was addicted, spending hours searching for the perfect roast, 200g at a time. Now he is constantly adding to his knowledge of the coffee process from farm to cup and sharing all of the best parts of coffee with anybody who will listen.

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