
Featured Micro-Lot

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$15.99 $13.99

Origin: Aged Sumatra

Acidity: Light

Body: Medium-Heavy

Tasting Notes: Earthy, tobacco, Cocoa, graham cracker

Whole BeanWhole BeanFrench PressFrench PressDrip/Pour-overDrip/Pour-overEspressoEspresso
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Our current Micro-lot is an Aged Sumatra. It is full and velvety. The recommended roast is Medium Dark but is also fantastic at a Dark Roast.

Our Featured Micro-Lot product is a rotating product from very small farms located all around the world. We order only 1 bag from these very limited lots and once its gone, its gone. Our goal is to provide an opportunity for everyone to have an opportunity to try unique coffees from more origins than we offer in our every-day products. Just like our other single-origin products, you can customize this coffee by roast level, grind, and “body”. Be sure to check out the associated Signature Blend using our Featured Micro-Lot coffee which will be rotating along with this single-origin product.


*Subscriptions can be made with this product. When one lot runs out, your subscription will pick right up with the next lot so you will experience many different coffees for the life of the subscription*

**Please allow 1-3 business days to process freshly roasted coffee orders**

Additional information

Weight 16 oz

Whole Bean, French Press, Drip/Pour-over, Espresso


Recommended, Light, Medium, Medium-Dark, Dark

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About the author

Cody Rowley is the Founder and Co-Owner of Whole Body Coffee and Whole Body Fitness.

His passion for coffee started with the small things like moving the morning brew out of a drip machine and into a french press, then into the more involved things like roasting coffee in a popcorn maker. It wasn't long after his first roast that he was addicted, spending hours searching for the perfect roast, 200g at a time. Now he is constantly adding to his knowledge of the coffee process from farm to cup and sharing all of the best parts of coffee with anybody who will listen.